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Sussex League Team Updates
Sussex League - 3rd Team Match Game Score
by Paul O'Brien - 13/01/2025
Event: Worthing 3 vs. Eastbourne 5, Sussex League Match
Date: 13th January 2025
Location: Worthing Chess Club
Opening: C30: King's Gambit Declined - transposed.
White: Paul O'Brien
Black: Peter Holstock
Result: 1 - 0
1. e4 e5
2. Nc3 Nf6
3. Bc4 Bc5 - The Stanley Variation, the most testing of White's King's Gambit setup.
4. f4 d6 - Not wrong but easy to go wrong, 4...d5 is tougher.
Position after 4...d6
5. Nf3 Bg4 - Premature. Nc6 should come first when a pin really works after Nd4.
6. fxe5 dxe5? - Black should have played 6....Bxf3
7. Bxf7+ Kxf7 - This schoolboy trick nets 2 good pawns.
8. Nxe5+ .... - King - Bishop Fork, White has enough tempo to pull this off with the Bishop on g4 underdefended.

Fork after 8. Nxe5+
8. ... Ke7
9. Nxg4 Qd4 - This looks scary but it really isn't.

Position after 9...Qd4
10. Rf1 Rf8
11. Nxf6 Rxf6? - Black should have retaken the Knight with 11...gxf6
12. Nd5+ ...

Fork after 12. Nd5+
12. ... Kd6
13. Nxf6 gxf6
14. d3 Nd7
15. c3! Bb4 - 15...Bb4 is forced as the Black Queen is lost after 15...Qe5, 16. Bf4

Fatal pin after potential 15...Qe5, 16. Bf4

Desperate sacrifical pin after potential 15...Bb4
16. cxb4 Qxb4+
17. Qd2 1-0

Final Position after 17. Qd2
The Queens are soon to be exchanged off leaving White 6 points ahead of Black in material going into the Endgame. Black Resigns.
Paul O'Brien - 3rd Team
Sussex League - 1st Team Pre-Christmas 2024 Report
by Russell Granat - 12/12/2024
Our first team in the Sussex League 1st division have started the season at a canter.
Starting with an Away Win over last year’s champions Horsham, followed up by a Home Win against Eastbourne and then a Final Home match before Christmas against Lewes resulting in a Draw.
These three results ensure we lead the table at the current time.
Particular Congratulations to Dave Graham who has achieved 3 wins out of 3 on Board 2.
Russell Granat (Captain)

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